Generally, Ch 461
Client licensing requirements unaffected, 461.04 (3)
Definitions, 461.01
Disciplinary proceedings. 461.05
Financial capability, 461.03
Insurers contracting with, not small employer insurers, 461.04 (2)
Not an insurer or benefit plan administrator, 461.04 (1)
Registration requirements, 461.02
Rules, 461.06
Tax credits and other economic development incentives, accrue to client, 461.04 (4)
prohibition, writ of PROHIBITION, WRIT OF
Generally, Ch. 783
Attachment to enforce, 783.09
Commencement of action, 801.02 (5)
Elections, prohibited practices, 5.07
Extraordinary remedy:
As final judgment or provisional remedy, 781.01
Temporary relief, 781.02
Transmittal of record, 781.03
How and when issued, 783.08
Judgment, 783.12
If return adopted, 783.13
Proceedings if return not adopted, 783.11
Proceedings on return, 783.10
Return, party adopting, defendant, 783.10
Service and return of writ, 783.09
Supreme court, practice, jurisdiction, 783.08
Time of stay excepted from statute of limitations, 893.23
Writ of consultation, when issued, 783.12, 783.13
proof of service PROOF OF SERVICE
property, interests in PROPERTY, INTERESTS IN
Generally, Ch. 700
After-born children included in class gift, 700.12
Applicability of chapter 700, 700.25
Bank deposits, rules of joint tenancy-tenancy in common do not apply, 700.22
Concurrent interests, 700.17 (1)
Duration, classification as to, 700.02
Future interests, 700.03, 700.04
Present interests, 700.03
Remainders, 700.05
Condominiums, see Condominiums
Contingent transfers:
Death without issue, 700.09
Future, indestructibility, 700.14
Death, transfers at, applicability of general rules, 700.26
Definitions, 700.01, 840.01
Disclaimers of transfer of property:
Nonprobate transfers at death, 701.26
Transfers by will, intestacy or appointment, 853.40, 854.13
Transfers during life, 700.27
Distribution to heirs and the like, rules, 700.11
After-born persons included in class gift, 700.12
Estate tail becomes fee simple, effect of gift over after attempted estate tail, 700.08
Government bonds, rules of joint tenancy-tenancy in common do not apply, 700.22
Interest for life of another, succession, 700.06
Joint tenancy, see Joint Tenants
Life estate:
Administrative termination for real property, saving accounts, checking accounts, stocks and bonds, 867.045
Certificate of termination, 867.04
Classification, 700.02
Lease of, effect of life tenant's death, 704.40
Life of third party, interest for, 700.06
Partition action, 842.10, 842.11
Sale of in infant heir proceedings, 786.18, 786.19
Termination, 865.20
Marital property, see Marriage—3. Marital Property
Minerals, interests in, lapse and reversion, 706.057
Multiple-party and agency accounts, see Financial Institutions—8. Multiple-Party and Agency Accounts
Nominal conditions of transfer, not enforced, 700.15
Present interests, classification, 700.03
Savings and loan associations, deposits, rules of joint tenancy-tenancy in common do not apply, 700.22
Shelley's case, abolition of rule, 700.10
Solar access, obstruction, damages, 700.41, 844.22
Tenancy in common, see Tenants in Common
Time-shares, see Time-Share Ownership
Alienation of, restraint on limited, 700.16
Classification, 700.03, 700.04
Contingent future interest, indestructibility of, 700.14
Creation limited, 700.16